Sunday, January 1, 2017

Few days in the west

My cousin stays in Denver and we decided to visit him. This was our first plane trip with Satu and honestly, I don't think we were well prepared to handle Satu or the beauty. It has been a very long time since I've been on the plane. I didn't know that the seats aren't reserved. We were one of the last people to get in the plane and ... my hubby and I sat a few seats away. Thankfully, I sat next to a nurse who had experience with raising kids ... and she found Satu adorable and we found a lot to discuss. Sou sat next to a prof from Berkley.

The view - Mindblowing. I have no idea what these are but there were soooo many of them. Sadly, my cousin doesn't know what these are either but they are sooo pretty. I asked my neighbor to click a pic for me.

People go  gaga over Himalayas...I felt I got to see them for free. These are the Rocky mountains. I waited for my neighbor to get off so I could click these. Little did I know that I would be staying so close to them.

My cousin has a beautiful house. This is the view from his house. I was amazed. I felt I was living next to the rocky mountains. They haven't come so well in my pic but trust me, they are there.

The second thing I noticed about Colorado are the geese. Apparently, it comes in their migratory path and  ..... there were sooo many of them. I was in awe. My  husband is always curious as to what is it that they are eating... We finally figured it out - they eat ice. Here we are, on our way to see the Garden of Gods. We stopped by to see the mountains and click a pic.

and some more
Garden of the Gods is a public park located in Colorado Springs. My uncle saw a rock formation that looks like two camels kissing. As we all entered the park, the task was to find them. It was easy. They were just at the entrance. Ironically, after this, all I could see was camels everywhere. 
There was this thin crevice through which the kids took turns to go to the other side. I didn't even try. I just sat there and got a pic clicked.

The ride back was beautiful. There were different red and orange colored rocks along the twisted roads.

By the time we reached this tourist spot, we were too tired to get out the car. We clicked pic of this floating rock from the car and called it a day. We went back home for some home made pasta.

Next day, we went to the aquarium. Satu slept through most of the trips sadly. Aquarium was pretty.

The sting rays were pretty. The Sting Ray isn't really dangerous. At the end of the day, we spent some time petting them. They were pretty fun and energetic. I am amazed we got a chance to touch them.

The aquarium also had a tiger. Satu got up and was amazed to see them. His gaze followed the tiger's every move.

Mom and son with the Orangatun and her baby

The aquarium is pretty. I wish I could go scuba diving. One day soon. Until then, here are some pix.

I can't recall the name of the pretty fish but they were really pretty. I made Satu stand there and he liked watching them till we decided to click a pic.

The day after this, we went to the zoo. We saw lion, red panda, peacocks, peahens cheetah and many more. I was amazed to see Hyenas. We tried to tell them jokes but didn't hear them laugh at all.

We also saw the penguin and Sea-lion show. Sea lions weren't as much fun as they were in Niagra but the show was decent.

We spent the next day in LODO. That's lower downtown. Colorado has the most art sculptures in this area. We saw the blue bear and few others that I can't recall. We saw the many murals on the walls and loved this area the most.

They have a very beautiful Botanic garden and we were lucky to get to see it at night with the lights. It was gorgeous. There were lights everywhere. There were lights on shrubs, trees and plants. There were different colors of light and different shapes and types. Some were blinking and some were twinkling. Some were following a pattern and some were just following their own rhythm. It was a beautiful experience.

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